
CloudTk Home Page

March 28, 2025 22:45:42

CloudTk Version 1.5.0-59

CloudTk is based on WebSockit2me - a TCP to WebSocket gateway that uses a noVNC to display Tk or X11 applications in modern Web Browser. It runs on Linux and requires Xvnc(TigerVNC) server and the matchbox window manager to be loaded. Tk or X11 applications are listed on a web page. TclHttpd dynamically launches an Xdisplay via Xvnc and then starts a matchbox window manager and launches the Tk or X11 application.

TclHttpd is a pure Tcl implementation of a Web server. CloudTk is packaged for easy deployment as a Starkit. Just download 2 files and you're ready to go.

Some of the features include:


Quick Start Guide

Point your browser to http://<<Your IP Address>>:8015/



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